RSCC Policies & Guidelines
Roane State Community College
Policy Number: PA-28-01
Subject: Emeritus Faculty Status
- Purpose
Faculty having served Roane State Community College (RSCC) for a minimum of ten years shall be eligible for emeritus faculty status upon retirement from the institution. Emeritus faculty status is an honor bestowed for distinguished institutional services. Faculty having served Roane State Community College for a minimum of ten years shall be eligible for emeritus faculty status upon retirement from the institution. Emeritus faculty status is an honor bestowed for distinguished institutional services.
- Procedures
- The RSCC president may recommend to the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) a retiring/retired faculty member for faculty emeritus on a quarterly basis. The recommendation for the honor of emeritus status must include written justification for awarding such status. The recommendation by the president to TBR will be routed through the on-line routing and approval system. In consultation with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Chancellor will make the recommendation to the Board for approval.
- A faculty member may nominate an individual to be considered by the president for emeritus status. The nomination must include written justification for awarding such status. An individual nominated for emeritus status must be affirmed by a majority of faculty within the candidate’s division and endorsed by the division dean and the Vice President for Student Learning. The Vice President for Student Learning will submit the individual(s) nominated for emeritus status to the president to review and make the recommendation(s).
- The title of Faculty Emeritus may be revoked if the emeritus faculty member engages in dishonesty in teaching or research or is convicted of any felony or crime involving moral turpitude or capricious disregard of accepted standards of professional conduct.
- Emeritus faculty shall be entitled to such privileges and benefits, other than monetary compensation, as the institution designates insofar as such privileges and benefits are within the limits of the institution’s discretionary authority. Such privileges and benefits may include an identification card designating the holder as emeritus faculty and entitling the holder access to certain institution facilities and services commonly available to faculty. The privileges and benefits carry with them the same responsibility as for regular faculty.
Revision History: 06/14/2010
TBR Policy Reference:
Revision Date Effective: 11/02/2021
Revision Approval By: Christopher L. Whaley, President
Original Date Effective: 09/09/2002
Original Approval By: Wade B. McCamey, President
Office Responsible: Office of the President
Reviewed: 10/26/2021
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