Roane State 社区 CollegeRoane State 社区 College

Roane State 社区 College

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RSCC Policy PA-20-01; Salary Administration Plan

Roane State 社区 College
保单号码: PA-20-01
主题: Salary Administration Plan

It is the policy of Roane State 社区 College to provide employees with a salary administration program that will establish internal equity, provide market competitiveness, and increase morale based on the availability of financial resources. Deviations from this plan may be necessary due to legislative and/or governing board actions.

Each position at Roane State will be classified based on the duties, 技能, qualifications and responsibilities of the job. Each employee at the college who has performed satisfactorily during the year will receive an across-the-board increase. Merit pay will be given to reward administrative and support staff employees based on individual performance which is considered meritorious. Faculty, by majority vote, has elected not to participate in merit pay. Salaries of all new hires will be reviewed by a salary equity committee. The committee shall be comprised of the Director of Human Resources, the Vice President for Student Learning and the Vice President for Business and 金融. The appropriate executive committee member and the president must approve all salary offers and increases.

Salary increases will not be approved for employees transferring from one position to another at the same or lower level. A decrease in salary may be appropriate when employees accept a transfer to a lower level position. Decreases should be discussed with the Director of Human Resources prior to divisional action and shall be reviewed by the Salary Equity Committee. 一般, salary changes based on changes in skill level or responsibilities will be considered only in the regular budget cycles.

新员工, based on qualifications, will be hired at the proper job classification and salary range. Exceptions below the minimum range may be made for student trainees.

When support staff employees are promoted, their salary will be either increased to at least the minimum of the new salary range or three percent (3%) per skill level, 取较大的. Placement in the new range must be coordinated with the Director of Human Resources. Whenever administrative staff are promoted, an appropriate salary will be determined by the Salary Equity Committee and will be based on comparable positions at the institution. 然而, if an employee's title changes with no change in responsibilities, a salary increase will not occur.

在一般情况下, when administrative personnel, support staff or faculty member earns an initial degree or an additional degree, a three percent (3%) salary increase will be provided for an associates, bachelor's or masters degree; and a five percent (5%) increase will be provided for a Ph.D. 或者艾德.D. Faculty increases will be provided for degrees appropriate to the teaching discipline.

A salary equity review will be conducted by the Salary Equity Committee on faculty who have completed the credit hour increments or a degree in accordance to policy AA-04-01 through July 1, 1994. Faculty who have not obtained 30 credit hours above the master’s degree as of July 1, 1994 will operate under the policy as revised May 15, 1994 including three to five percent (3-5%) increase as indicated above.

Eligible employees who receive a Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) certification will receive a nine percent (9%) salary increase in accordance with state legislation.

All salary increases will be rounded to the nearest dollar and are subject to availability of funding.

Revision History: 05/15/1994, 05/02/1996
Revision Date Effective: 05/02/1996
Revision Approval By: 雪莉L. 总裁霍
Original Date Effective: 11/10/1989
批准人: 雪莉L. 总裁霍
办公室负责: Vice President for Business & 金融
综述: 07/25/2018


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