Telephone use is for college business purposes only. Telephones are not to be used for personal long-distance calls unless made via credit card or collect. Personal local calling should also be kept to a minimum because of a limited number of outside telephone lines. Unauthorized and/or personal long-distance calling at college expense will result in, at minimum, a formal reprimand and repayment of charges to the college. If unauthorized usage continues, employment may be terminated.
An employee must contact the Help Desk to add a new service or modify an existing service.
Switchboard operators are prohibited from accepting collect calls. Since the college has an incoming 800 number (800-343-9104), there is no need for collect calls. Collect calls will only be accepted if a written request, approved by the president, is on file in Telephone Services.
Missing telephone sets will be the responsibility of the budget manager. Damage to telephone sets through negligence or deliberate action will result in, at minimum, a formal reprimand and payment to the college for the replacement of set(s).
Classroom phones are to be used ONLY to call the following numbers: Security, Assistant Vice President of Student Services/Dean of Students, the switchboard for emergency assistance, Library Services, and HELP Desk for technical support. No out-going calls are to be placed via the switchboard operator or via other college personnel using these phones. Classrooms are not to be interrupted by in-coming calls. Students are not to use classroom telephones. Students should use the courtesy phones for local calling.
Roane State Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity or national origin, sex, disability, age, status as protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulation and by Tennessee board of Regents policies with respect to employment, programs, and activities. View full non-discrimination policy.