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Roane State 社区 College

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RSCC 政策 PA-05-01; Family and 医疗 Leave

Roane State 社区 College
保单号码: PA-05-01
主题: Family and 医疗 Leave
  1. 目的
    1. In compliance with the Family and 医疗 Leave Act of 1993, as amended (“FMLA” or “the Act”), it is the policy of Roane State 社区 College to provide eligible employees up to 12 workweeks of leave during a 12-month period for family or 医疗 leave, or for a qualifying exigency, and up to 26 workweeks of leave for military caregiver leave during a 12-month period for reasons specified in TBR policy个家庭, 医疗, and Service Member Leave, to provide continued health insurance cover年龄 during the leave period, and to ensure employee reinstatement to the same, or an equivalent position, following the leave period.
    2. A Roane State employee who is absent from work or will be absent from work for three consecutive days, 或更多的, for a serious health condition must complete the RSCC Family and 医疗 Leave Request Form 发现于 人力资源 web p年龄 under ‘forms’, absent extenuating circumstances. You may contact the Director of 人力资源 and the director will provide the employee with appropriate forms.
  2. 政策

    The following is the FMLA definition of "a serious health condition" and “period of incapacity”:
    1. Serious health condition 意味着一种疾病, 受伤, 障碍, or physical or mental condition involving any of the following:
      1. 住院治疗(一.e., an overnight stay) in a hospital, 临终关怀, or residential 医疗 care facility, including any period of incapacity; or,
      2. Continuing 治疗 by a Health Care Professional (HCP) which includes:
        1. A period of incapacity lasting more than three (3) consecutive, 完整日历日, and any subsequent 治疗 or period of incapacity relating to the same condition that also includes:
          1. 治疗 two (2) 或更多的 times by or under the supervision of a HCP (i.e., 之间的互访, the first within seven (7) days and both within 30 days of the first day of incapacity); or,
          2. 治疗 on at least one occasion by a HCP (i.e., an in-person visit within seven (7) days of the first day of incapacity) with a continuing regimen of 治疗 (e.g. prescription medication, physical therapy).
        2. Any period of incapacity related to pregnancy or for 产前护理. A visit to the HCP is not necessary for each absence; or
        3. Any period of incapacity or 治疗 for a chronic serious health condition which continues over an extended period of time, requires periodic visits (at least twice a year) to a HCP, and may involve episodic rather than a continuing period of incapacity (e.g. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.). A visit to a HCP is not necessary for each absence; or
        4. A period of incapacity that is permanent or long term due to a condition for which 治疗 may not be effective (e.g. Alzheimer’s, severe stroke, or terminal st年龄s of a disease). Only supervision by a HCP is required, rather than active 治疗; or,
        5. Any absences to receive multiple 治疗s, including any period of recovery therefrom, for restorative surgery after an accident or other 受伤; or, for a condition that would likely result in a period of incapacity of more than three (3) days if not treated.
    2. 丧失工作能力期间 means an inability to work, 上学, or perform other regular daily activities due to the serious health condition, 治疗, 或恢复.
    3. Absences due to pregnancy, 产前护理, or chronic conditions as specified above, fall within FMLA even if no 治疗 from a HCP is received, and even if the absence does not last more than three (3) consecutive, 完整日历日.

Furthermore, RSCC follows TBR 政策 which contains all of the rules and regulations regarding family, 医疗, and service member leave. Access the complete detailed TBR policy at http://policies.tbr.edu/.

Revision History: 06/04/2007, 03/12/2012
Revision Date Effective: 11/07/2022
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
Original Date Effective: 03/15/2001
批准人: 威廉年代. Fuqua, III, Interim President
办公室负责: Vice President for Business & 金融
综述: 11/01/2022


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