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RSCC Policy BA-07-02; Business Meals, Refreshments and Recognition Events

Roane State Community College
Policy Number: BA-07-02
Subject: Business Meals, Refreshments and Recognition Events
  1. Introduction
    对于以商务讨论为主要目的的膳食,学院可以支付或报销. 商务餐通常包括至少一名非大学员工. 然而,偶尔的大学员工聚会也可以作为商务餐支付或报销. The cost of a business meal should be reasonable. 费用只能支付给那些必须出席业务讨论的个人.

    Additionally, 机构资金可用于购买食品和非酒精饮料以获得认可, appreciation, 或退休活动,前提是该等活动符合本政策的其他规定,且每个财政年度举办的活动数量和支出金额合理.
  2. Principles
    1. 开支必须支持学院的使命和宗旨.
    2. 如果是一个活动,该活动必须是经过授权的,正式的学院活动.
    3. 开支不应属于个人或社会性质.
    4. 这笔支出不应被国税局解释为额外的补偿.
    5. The amount expended should be reasonable.
    6. 国家资金不得用于购买含酒精饮料.
  3. Procedures
    1. 总裁已指定业务和财务副总裁(VP)和副总裁在各自组织内批准员工和非员工团体用餐的权力. 校长已指定教务长有权批准学生组织的伙食.
    2. If the cost is $50 or more, 在与学院的食品服务供应商下订单之前, a Food Services Authorization form must be completed by the requesting department, approved by the appropriate executive officer, and submitted to the VP. 如果使用校外供应商购买膳食或杂货,如果费用为50美元或更多, 在发布采购订单或报销之前,必须将正确填写的食品服务授权表格提交给采购办公室. All purchases/reimbursements of meals/food, regardless of amount, should include a list of attendees, the purpose of the expenditure, topic of discussion, time, date, and place.
    3. 报销或由学院直接付款需要收据.
    4. 由食品服务供应商或餐厅提供的所有在家用餐或提供的餐点或茶点应按目标代码74981收费. 所有其他个人食品和相关供应贝博体育应按目标代码74503收费.
    5. 本政策不适用于非作为膳食或茶点消费的食品或相关供应品.
  4. Other Provisions
    1. Meeting Refreshments. 在适当和合理的情况下,可为会议购买茶点和餐点.
    2. Retirement Receptions. 退休招待会可以是部门性质的,费用不超过100美元;也可以是整个机构性质的,费用不超过200美元. 人力资源厅将协助协调整个机构的接待工作. 表彰礼品和牌匾可由机构提供,费用不超过100美元.
    3. Other Recognition and Appreciation Events. 这种性质的活动必须得到校长的批准,可以是部门或机构范围的活动. 此类活动的费用应合理,并与所确认的活动和人员的性质相一致. 每位退休人员或其他受奖人的费用不超过100美元,可从机构基金购买表彰礼品和奖章.
  5. Definitions
Guest Meals 这适用于一个或多个学院员工为学院客人购买餐点或茶点。. 如果客人将根据正常旅行程序报销他/她自己购买的餐费,则不适用这些客人餐费的规定. 客人餐包括客人和学院人员在同一聚会. Guest meals are covered under RSCC policy BA-07-01.
Employee Meals 这包括一组不在旅行状态的学院人员的常规膳食和茶点. 如果该场合主要是为员工群体准备的,那么一个或多个客人的偶然出现不会改变分类.
Non-Employee Group Meal 这适用于为非雇员团体购买膳食或茶点, such as conference or workshop participants. 如果场合主要是非雇员群体,一个或多个大学雇员的偶然出现不会改变这种分类.
Individual Meals This policy does not apply to individual meals, whether a visitor or employee, 根据适用的旅行程序,哪些费用可以报销.
Student Organization Meals


  1. Exceptions
Revision History: 01/01/2006, 07/25/2007
TBR Policy Reference:,
Revision Date Effective: 07/25/2007
Revision Approval By: Gary Goff, President
Original Date Effective: 10/25/2004
Original Approval By: Wade B. McCamey, President
Office Responsible: Vice President for Business & Finance
Reviewed: 07/27/2017

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