所有国际教育贝博体育或课程, sponsored or approved by RSCC for academic credit are expected to maintain standards of quality in the delivery of instruction, 支持服务, and administration which are consistent with educational excellence.
在一般情况下, RSCC运营或赞助的贝博体育或课程,或与财团联合运营或赞助的贝博体育或课程应:
以定期为准, periodic evaluation and assessment according to RSCC’s normal review 过程s for academic 贝博体育; and
In compliance with all applicable and federal and 状态 laws and regulations.
RSCC has established guidelines for operation of international 贝博体育
The transfer 过程s in the RSCC catalogue will guide the enrollment, awarding and transfer of credit for students matriculating in another TBR or non-TBR affiliated institution or consortia. 这些程序也适用于在机构课程或TBR相关联盟入学的非TBR学生.
与最佳实践保持一致, only individuals enrolled at RSCC可能 participate in study abroad 贝博体育.
非RSCC学生必须在国际教育期间以“非学位”或“继续教育”或“临时”或“转学”学生身份注册. 参加这些分类之一要求这些个人满足所有资格, 先决条件, 以及作为国际教育贝博体育参与者的选择要求, participate in all class meetings as well as any orientation meetings, 并向RSCC支付所有学杂费.
RSCC雇用的教师或工作人员为学生或学生团体提供咨询或协调能力 while abroad.
社区 partnering organization members who serve a coordinating or mentoring role to students eng年龄d in the experience. 在这种情况下,社区合作伙伴成员必须在RSCC注册为志愿者.
赞助实体-学生将被安排实习或服务经验的组织. 这将包括任何非营利组织, business or associations located abroad who agree to host the student(s).
In cases where a program director or 教师 instructor will be traveling abroad for an extended period of time (more than 30 days), RSCC有权决定是否允许员工的配偶和未成年人随行.
谅解备忘录(MOU)是一份文件,表明双方在发展与教学有关的合作教育活动方面的共同利益, 研究, 以及合作机构各单位之间的扩展. 谅解备忘录不承担任何财务或法律义务. It is often the preliminary step to a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).
协议备忘录(MOA)是合作院校各单位之间为开展与教学相关的合作活动而签订的合同, 研究, 和/或扩展,等等, establishes the parameters for student exchanges between two institutions.
RSCC does not permit travel to countries or portions of countries where the U.S. Department of State currently advises against travel or tourism by Americans.
RSCC可能会进一步限制旅行,在他们看来,在美国.S. Department of State or other credible authority has identified safety risks.
RSCC has a 政策 for terminating an existing program if the situation arises where students and/or 教师 are in danger. 包括教师在内的贝博体育参与者, 工作人员, and students must be informed that any program may end in such an event.
Disciplinary actions ranging from reporting to expulsion; and
在医疗紧急情况下, RSCC贝博体育主管应代表学生参与者采取合理的行动.
RSCC has a detailed critical response protocol in place to address 紧急情况.
RSCC, 以及基于TnCIS的贝博体育, 确保所有贝博体育主管, 教师 and students receive clear training on how any crisis is to be handled.
当学生年满18岁或在任何年龄进入高等教育机构时, the rights under the FERPA transfer from the parents to the student with some exceptions which include: when a student is claimed by either parent as a dependent for tax purposes; for school officials with legitimate educational interest, and; appropriate officials in the case of health and safety 紧急情况.
Within six weeks prior to travel for an international program or course, RSCC将向参与者披露美国.S. 国务院领事信息表、公告或旅行警报、海外安全咨询委员会的犯罪和安全报告以及基本的健康和安全注意事项, 包括疾病控制中心旅行信息健康建议.
在海外贝博体育或课程开设期间, RSCC将监控和评估任何新的信息,并向贝博体育总监报告, 适当的.
RSCC has policies and 过程s to inform participants who enroll in international opportunities that the institution:
Cannot guarantee or assure the safety of participants or eliminate all risks from the international education environments.
不能监督或控制所有的日常个人决定, 选择, 以及个体参与者的活动.
不能保证你.S. standards of due process apply in overseas legal proceedings and cannot provide or pay for legal representation for participants.
参与海外学习活动的教职员工收到学生对学生的骚扰投诉, 教职工和学生, student-to-工作人员 or any other individuals for which harassment is alleged during an international education experience, 必须立即向RSCC报告事件吗.
The 过程 provides for due process for any student accused of misconduct.
RSCC不容忍基于种族的骚扰, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 性取向, 性别认同/表达式, 残疾, 年龄(如适用), 作为参保老兵的身份, 遗传信息, and any other category protected by deferral or 状态 civil rights law.
RSCC出国留学贝博体育的海外环境是安全的、无威胁的. 国际教育部和贝博体育负责人负责确保与参与者分享国务院所有的旅行和健康咨询. If the State Department advisory includes langu年龄 stating “avoid travel”, then RSCC study abroad 贝博体育 should not travel to that location; and
Health, Safety, Security, and Risk Man年龄ment for Non-Credit Trips Abroad
RSCC将创建贝博体育招聘/咨询材料和/或咨询和招聘工作,准确地代表贝博体育,并包括基于适当学术标准的选择标准, 文化教育目标, 估计成本, 金融援助, 健康保险要求, 提供的服务, 接种疫苗, 签证责任和法律程序. 学生 should be informed of these issues at the time of admission.
RSCC已经确定了最低GPA要求, 选择标准, and enrollment status for students studying internationally either independently or in international education 贝博体育.
Credit is offered for individual courses within international education 贝博体育 with the full measure of demand and academic rigor, not merely for the purpose of travel or touring in a foreign location. RSCC对国际机构的学分转移和成绩单评估有全面的政策.
所有参与者和国际贝博体育负责人都应完成贝博体育后评估表格,以收集招聘有效性的数据, 招生, 离岗前方向, the educational and 人al value of program 组件s while abroad, 返回, and recommendations for continuation or termination of the trip in the future.
促进思想和知识的自由交流, no restrictions shall be placed on the establishment or maintenance of 贝博体育 in other countries based on the political, 宗教, 种族, 少数民族, 或东道国或其政府的意识形态特征.
RSCC has established policies which allow students to register for classes, 获得信贷, 获得经济援助, 支付学费和国际教育费用, and to obtain refund and or withdraw for all international education 贝博体育.
All study abroad students (with the exception of TnCIS students – see 3.a.(3.支付最低限度的学费和适用的强制性费用. 然而, this does not prohibit the use of scholarships from any source of funding to pay for the tuition and applicable mandatory fees.
Program fee revenue and related expenses are recorded in a restricted E&具体到负责贝博体育或办公室的G账户. Only student-specific expenses should be paid from the restricted E&G帐户. 典型的学生专用费用包括交通费, 住宿, 旅游, 餐, 活动费用, 学生用品.
如果一个账户已经闲置了18个月, 没有存款或支出, any excess funds remaining in the account must be transferred to another study abroad program fund or to a contingency fund.
It should also be verified that only student activity-related expenses are charged to the restricted self-supporting funds.
Recognizing the need for flexibility while maintaining accountability, TBR has established the optional assessment of an international education fee to be paid by each student enrolled at RSCC. Subject to change, RSCC currently charges an international education fee of $1.每学分00美元,最多12小时,或最高学期费用为12美元.00 /学生.
从事指导或教授海外留学课程的教师可获得RSCC的报酬. 再一次。, direct instructional cost is charged to the appropriate departmental budget and not to the international education fee budget.
夏季课程和学期间国际教育贝博体育的教师薪酬,无论是基于校园还是通过TnCIS运营的,都不受TBR政策的约束.02.04.10暑期和学期间的教员薪酬. 访问完整详细的TBR策略5.02.04.10 at http://policies.tbr.edu/.
RSCC教师在TnCIS贝博体育中的教学, TnCIS will process the contract through the accounting office of PSCC, 谁将向RSCC签发一份双重服务协议和一份采购订单.
RSCC will invoice PSCC for the 服务s to receive reimbursement for paying the 教师 members directly for their 服务.
教师 are expected to follow through on the agreed upon international study course and adhere to all RSCC policies once abroad. 如果教职员工因未能遵守RSCC的政策而取消参加旅行或被指示从旅行中返回, 教师在旅行前的任何旅行费用将由学校承担,或者教师将负责与他们回家相关的费用.
TBR requires that RSCC fully comply with federal regulations that control the conditions under which certain information, 技术和商品可以出口到国外, 人, 或实体, 包括你.S. 在外国的公民.
所有教师, 工作人员, or students involved in international travel 包括 study abroad, 受限制的研究, 国际合作, 或有风险出口或违反规定的外汇,必须符合任何许可证(或其他政府批准)的规定。, 政策, 过程, 或ITAR要求的校园技术控制计划(TCP). 国际旅行前, 教师/职员/学生应决定是否有任何贝博体育, 设备, 组件, 《贝博体育》所涵盖的文件和/或需要许可证或其他政府批准/协议才能出口或进口. 如有不确定的地方,教师/员工/学生应咨询RSCC国际教育办公室.
RSCC is responsible for determining if self-disclosure of any violations, 真实的或感知的, 专家控制条例或TCP在赞助活动过程中发生的情况向联邦机构报告.
贝博体育 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, 作为受保护的退伍军人或受联邦或州法律法规保护的任何其他阶层,以及田纳西州董事会在就业方面的政策, 贝博体育, 和活动. 查看完整的非歧视政策.