三月初,高中毕业生可以在他们的RaiderNet账户上看到他们教练的名字. They’ve received instructions on how to set up/login to RaiderNet when they applied. 通过点击那个人的名字, students can access their contact information and their appointment calendar. 考虑到FERPA法规, 大学官员必须直接与学生合作,而不是与充当中间人的家长合作. 学生 are encour年龄d to contact their coaches with questions or concerns. If students wish to invite their parents along to appointments, that is absolutely fine. 学生们还可以自由地将他们从教练那里收到的电子邮件转发给父母, and coaches can accommodate zoom/webcam or phone appointments with multiple parties, 只要学生在场.
Initially, your son or daughter will receive a welcome email from his or her success coach. 这封电子邮件将被发送到他或她在申请中列出的个人电子邮件地址, so it is important that they check that email account. Coaches will occasionally reach out via text mess年龄 or phone call. The primary cell phone number listed on the application is the one we will use.
确保他们检查了他们的电子邮件账户——包括一个垃圾邮件过滤器/文件夹,以确保他们没有收到欢迎邮件, 如果是在三月初之后. 如果没有欢迎邮件,可以找到, 你的学生应该在RaiderNet上点击他们教练的名字来访问教练的联系信息, 或者电子邮件, 给教练发短信或打电话. 教练希望听取学生的意见,并将努力解决任何沟通问题,如果我们在系统中有错误的号码或电子邮件地址.
打电话给我们 电脑服务台. Make sure you have access to the internet when you call. Make sure you have either your R# (student ID number) or your social security number handy.
Your Success Coach’s name will appear in your RaiderNet account. Click on the name to see contact information and to schedule appointments. 如果你是高中生, 直到三月初你才能看到这个人的名字,你需要等到那时再联系他.
确定! 如果你不介意,那我们也不介意. 作为学生,你必须在我们与你父母的任何互动或对话中在场. 现在你上大学了, YOU—not your parents—are responsible for your enrollment, 金融援助, 以及一般的教育.
If you’ve not met with your Success Coach yet, 届时,我们将讨论您的专业选择(并给您机会更改您在申请中列出的专业). Don’t worry if the major listed on your application is incorrect. We will get that fixed when we meet with you. If you’re already registered/enrolled, 你需要和你的教练约个时间,这样你们就可以一起复习DegreeWorks,并讨论这可能会如何改变你预期的毕业日期, 你的选课, 还有你的经济援助. You must discuss all major changes with your coach.
没关系! Many college students don’t have a solid idea about what career they want to pursue. Your Success Coach can help you think about options based on your interests and skills, and you can also select General Studies as your major.
第一步是提交正确的援助年份FAFSA,并选择Roane State作为学校(如果您列出多所学校,我们必须首先列出)。. 一旦你做到了, 你需要在你的RaiderNet提醒框中填写额外的经济援助要求. 经常检查RaiderNet是很重要的,以防额外的需求被添加到文件中.
你的成功教练将帮助你解释这些要求,并就如何获得可能需要的某些文件给你建议. Once your requirements are all submitted, 经济援助办公室和美国教育部可能会审查你的援助文件,以确定你可能有资格获得哪种类型的奖学金和助学金. Information is available in your RaiderNet under the “Your Financial Aid” link.
Your Success Coach will give you information on any 金融援助 awards you will receive, 包括如何在每个学期和每年都有资格获得这些奖励. 教练还可以帮助你确定你可能欠“自掏腰包”的钱,或者你可以期待什么样的退款, depending on the amounts of aid you qualify for. 在你的FAFSA被验证并且你的援助文件完整之前,成功教练无法估计你潜在的援助金额.
看到 为你的课程准备书籍 网页
You sometimes have choices to make between digital and physical media, 在新书和旧书之间, 是租房还是买房. 有时候只有一个选择. 有时材料可能已经被记入你的学生账户(它会告诉你贝博体育是否已经被记入你的账户并为你保留),但大多数时候, 你单独买书.
一些学生有足够的资助,他们可以把在书店买的东西计入他们的经济资助. This is usually permitted the week before class through the end of the first week of class. If you aren’t certain if you have excess aid, check with your Success Coach.
No. Be sure to only park in areas designated for student parking.
After all your application items have been submitted and processed, and your registration hold has been lifted. If it is your first time registering, you will need an appointment with your Success Coach. 如果你是在读学生, 你必须从你的成功教练那里获得一个密码,这个密码只有在审查你的课程安排后才能提供. Summer and Fall registration usually opens in early April. Spring registration usually opens in early November.
联系你的成功教练. 您的教练将希望确保您了解更改将如何影响您的课程注册, 你预期的毕业日期, 还有你的经济援助. 您可以在DegreeWorks配置文件中运行“What If”场景来查看新贝博体育的需求. 如果一个学期已经开始了, your change will not be processed until after grades post for that term.
有时. Every student situation is different in this regard. It depends on the type of aid you use, the number of credits you’re enrolled in, and when you’re dropping/withdrawing during the semester. Some classes cannot be dropped without also dropping co-requisites. There are multiple factors to consider beyond GPA implications. 在决定放弃或退出之前,一定要和你的成功教练谈谈——即使你确信你不会通过这门课程.
您将需要您的注册密码, and if you are TN Promise/Reconnect-eligible, you will need your Success Coach to remove a registration hold. Please discuss all withdrawals with your Success Coach, and consult the 校历 to see the withdrawal deadlines for each term.
If you are eligible for an excess aid refund (not all students are), the Business Office will begin processing those after the second week of classes. You must be marked as attending in all of your classes to receive your refund. 如果你有学生贷款, 如果你还没有完成你的入学贷款咨询和MPN,你的超额援助可能会分几期或晚于其他类型的援助.
默认的退款方式是将纸质支票邮寄到存档地址(您的RaiderNet中显示的地址)。. You can sign up for electronic refunds via RaiderNet > Your Account > Your Tuition and Fees > Login/Touchnet Student Account Suite > Refund Account Setup. 您将首先注册两步验证,然后您将能够提交您的银行信息.
需要帮助? 联系你的成功教练.
如果一节课已经开始了,你不能从一种形式或一个老师切换到另一个. You can drop classes that have started, 但是你不能添加已经开始的课程——即使是同一门课程的不同部分. 联系你的成功教练 if you have questions.
看到 请求更换成功教练 网页
我们意识到,许多学生与他们的教练建立了联系,对变性感到犹豫和焦虑. 不要害怕! 教师顾问经过培训,有能力帮助那些被竞争激烈的医疗保健贝博体育录取的学生,或者正在毕业和/或转学到四年制大学的学生. 贝博体育开发了一种混合模式,将新生分配给教练,将有经验的学生分配给其专业/贝博体育的指导教师. You will be in good hands with your new advisor.
贝博体育 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, 作为受保护的退伍军人或受联邦或州法律法规保护的任何其他阶层,以及田纳西州董事会在就业方面的政策, 贝博体育, 和活动. 查看完整的非歧视政策.