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Be Safe at Roane State
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Tornado & Severe Storm Safety Information

Emergency Actions

When a tornado warning occurs, seek out:

Tornado Image

View: Emergency Shelter Locations

Tornado Warning Information

A tornado warning means that a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar.

What to do?

  1. Immediately vacate your office, classroom or work area and proceed to a place of greater safety, closing doors behind you. (If you are instructing a class at the time, tell students to follow you to a safer location.)
  2. Avoid the top floors of buildings, elevators, lobbies, gymnasiums, auditoriums, theaters, and similar places with wide span roofs. Avoid areas with windows or glass window-walls.
  3. Move to the lowest floor of the building and to inner hallways or rooms, restrooms, stairwells or other areas that are directly supported and free of windows and glass. Try to put as many walls as possible between yourself and the tornado.
  4. If possible, use heavy furniture, such as a large desk or table to shield yourself from debris or a collapsed roof. (People who get under something usually survive.) Get behind a counter if one is available. If wearing a heavy jacket or have access to a blanket or mat, use it to cover the upper body and head. Lie flat or crouch on your knees with your head down and use your arms to protect the head and neck.
  5. Wait patiently and calmly until your receive the all-clear message or are sure the tornado has passed. If the building was not damaged, resume normal activities.
  6. If the building was damaged and there were injuries, provide assistance to others until help arrives.

While the above information is not all-encompassing, it should go a long way to improve your chances of surviving a tornado.

Learn in Advance

Tornado Image

View: Emergency Shelter Locations

More Information: Tornado Facts and Common Questions

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